Monday, February 15, 2010

So Not Interested...

*stares at keyboard*
*stares at blank page*
*stares out window*
*changes streaming radio station*
*lays on floor staring at ceiling*
*pulls keyboard onto floor*

Does anyone really want to hear my rant on Fashion Week? My opinion on Diane VonFurstenberg and her amazingly wearable collection for Fall/Winter 2010? How fashion hates me because I'm only 5' tall? Seems unlikely...

*checks email*
*reads New York Times*

The whole Jersey shore thing is as played out as Lady Gaga's wigs and latest release; I was over the Winter Olympics before they started; I have no care to skulk about in search of the newest app to download or getting to the bottom of the scandal du jour.

Isn't anything actually interesting happening out there?!?! Admittedly, "interesting" might be subjective, but come on! My attention span is so short I can usually get sucked into any distraction for at least 15 minutes...

*stares out window*
*opens diet coke*

Downward facing dog has brought me to the conclusion that the reason I'm more interesting on paper than in person is because face-to-face I have to shush all the voices in my head and pick just one to work with. On paper I can let the free-for-all run rampant in there. What with the shouting and the snarky conversations, everyone gets to join in. Maybe I need to determine which voice is the interesting one and start channeling it in person.

Is there anything interesting going on out there? Comment here. Does anyone have a website or blog they read every day? Yes? No? What drives you there? That's what I want to know. I think THAT would be interesting!


  1. I just found this one:

  2. Here's a columnist you might enjoy reading:

    She doesn't write too often, but her columns are funny, opinionated, and spot-on. You'll like her.

  3. I read this every day and laugh out loud. It got picked up as a sitcom for next year so it's bound to play itself out but still, damn funny stuff.


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