Thursday, March 19, 2009

Cha Cha Changes

Another repeated entry just because it seems relevant now.

"She talks kinda lazy, people say she's crazy, and her life's a mystery."

Where have life's mysteries gone? We talk about, watch, and participate in just about every conceivable thing. People's private whatnots are everywhere. It's like a rummage sale out there. But why? Where did this voyeuristic sense of entitlement into the lives of others come from? Am I alone, or do you think we've reached the verge of epidemic societal mental illness?

Personally, I'm not trying to have any part of it. I make an effort not to put my life out on the line for the neighbors to gaze upon and gossip about (though some do as their lives are small and empty). Some would say that's hiding - or lying by omission; I would say that not participating in this free spillage of personal business is just good sense.

Though, if you're willing to ask, I'm surely willing to tell.

Just be specific.
And succinct.
Know your boundaries and mind your manners.
If your grandmother would be embarrassed that you asked, don't. Don't ask me. Don't ask anyone.

Remember when we didn't know that our heroes were only human... when relationships weren't passing fancies or "hook ups", and privacy was sacred from the inside out? I'm not naive enough to think that the disintegration of mores is new - but now we're talking about it. And talking about it leads to acceptance. Do we really want to live in a world where "I love you" equates to "see you soon!" or "I'll be there" translates into "if I have time"?

"It's nice to know that there's someone I can turn to who's always there.... who'll always care..."

I know this is all very disconnected. I'm just woefully baffled by the lack of principle tied to people's actions. What about consequence? What about repercussion? What about basic common decency and manners and discipline? The world is running amok while part of the population is watching and another just stands there pointing. I don't suppose my silence is any better... But then speaking up requires entering into someone else's personal business, doesn't it...

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