Sunday, April 27, 2014

With a Little Help From a Friend

In my ongoing effort to find the end of the internet [read: waste time reading crap instead of doing my wash], I ran across a video that made me realize, in that weird "why do I stop moving long enough to mull?" crystal-clear way, two things:

First, I have no idea what it means to just "be." Like, in the moment or fully engaged in something or someone. I've read about this funny business, but by way of self-preservation I suppose, I'm way too busy for the sort of nonsense that can only lead to bottle after bottle of rethinking every decision I've made since I was 15 years old.

The second thing... well, that was more about who and what we choose to love. I mean, if we're really setting aside all of life's bullshit here, at the end of the day, we're in this life 100% alone, so what - or for the lucky - who, could instinctively bring you into this moment?

Here's a minute and a half of your life you won't want back...

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