Monday, December 19, 2011

Loyalty... what a joke.

During my mental rerun of this past weekend, including one perfectly executed “epic fail,” I realized that there is very little left in this world that resembles loyalty. I watched "friends" sell each other out just for the chance to present the latest juicy gossip; significant others abandon honor for the sake of a photo op designed to shame one and leave the rest with a laugh; and finally, employers just screw the people who stood by them for ridiculous amounts of time for….what? Those people made sacrifices and now they’re being sacrificed. Selfish, self-involved, self-serving megalomaniacs: it isn’t “just business.” It’s their own failed economics. So let’s just make sure everyone suffers.

I’m disgusted by people today.

Color me old-fashioned – or maybe just old – but I remember a time when your word was a direct reflection on your honor. Now everything, everything, is about ego. Say whatever you need to say to get what you want and to hell with whoever it hurts.

“Me! Me! Me!” Is there a rhythm for that because it’s apparently the anthem of everyone around me.

Take! Take! Take! And when there’s nothing left, at least nothing left you want, leave.

What about standing by people?
What about lending a hand instead of looking for a hand-out?
What about helping when you see someone you know struggling?

Oh wait…

My apologies. Those things fall under the heading of loyalty, and apparently we don’t do that anymore because it requires honoring commitments, regardless of the circumstance or inconvenience. It would mean honoring your word, and that could result in you not getting what you want every single fucking time. That would require that you care about someone other than yourself.

I swear I’m going to snap soon. No part of that is going to be pretty...

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