Friday, September 3, 2010

Speak No Evil

You’d think that with six weeks off while my hands healed I would’ve come up with a huge list of topics, injustices, and social faux pas to discuss. I didn’t. Actually this little respite found me mulling over just about nothing…

…except this.

It’s hard to tell your friends the hard truths. I would itemize specific “hard truths” but even though I’ve been asked to, I haven’t been able to bring myself to tell the friends in question. I’m pretty sure they’d recognize themselves here and that’s just cowardly.

People always say things like, “I’d want you to tell me.” Ha! Yeah. In theory! How about this; how about you don’t shoot the messenger?

It’s like asking someone’s honest opinion then getting shitty when you don’t like what you hear. How about this; how about you just don’t ask?

The only thing that attitude serves to accomplish is ensuring that the next time you ask me, oh yeah… I’m totally going to tell you whatever it is you want to hear. It’s not worth the grief.

As for those things that need to be said but nobody has manned-up to, I’m wondering why I’m the chosen one so often. Why do I have to be the one to say something? Is it because, in the words of someone whose company I do not enjoy, I’m “all business and no joke”? So… what?

Yeah, I’m one tough broad (*giggles*) but I’m not unsympathetic! And I do have feelings… somewhere… maybe in a bag in the back of my closet. Still! That doesn’t mean I’m keen to go in all willy-nilly to deliver information that could very well be unwelcome.

Maybe it’s cowardly to join the masses and keep my trap shut. Even more cowardly than the fact that I’ve stood by making excuses for said friends instead of actually having the conversation. But in my defense, no one is actually getting hurt; there’s no felony in the making; no blood will be shed nor relationship ruined…

… except perhaps ours.

1 comment:

  1. I hear ya, sister! But then again, you know me and my tendency to speak to the truth and to hell with the consequences. I have been told that I am appreciated in that no one has to ever wonder what I am thinking.

    What is worse is a 'yes man'. They are the ones that snark behind your back. Misery loves company.

    Trust me. People know who you are and love you for it. If they don't want to know the truth, I would bet they wouldn't even be friends with you. Besides, would a true friend ever let me go out with a camel toe? Of course not, which is why I adore you. :)


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