Thursday, January 1, 2009

Life Truths

This is a repeat post from July 2 of 2008. It occurs to me that as we head into the new year full of resolutions (aka personal promises which set us up for failure), that it would be a good idea to re-arm ourselves with a few basic Life Truths to ensure we do not repeat some of the more unsavory moments of last year.

Life Lessons: Today's offering is the "can't you see I'm drinking here, go away and don't bother me" version.

1. You are where you are because THAT, my friend, is where you put yourself. Do not blame your Higher Power, the Universe, or the people around you for your decisions.
2. The Universe is TRYING to move you in the direction of your life path. For gawd's sake quit acting like you know everything. Ya don't! So get outta the way.
3. Life is a sink or swim situation. It's a Bring Your Own Water Wings affair, so quit annoying the rest of us with your bitching about how you've been done oh so, wrong and fucking paddle already.
4. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps and get on with it.
5. Just because you want it, does NOT mean it's yours to have.
6. Yes. You're fat. I think I am, too. Now can we please stop having that conversation? It creates a barrier that doesn't allow for useful communication.
7. Your true friends will say the things you don't want to hear because they love you... and because they have faith that you already know the truth.
8. Ask for help. It's true that those who love you will just show up, but not all situations allow for that.
9. You are alone. Choose your environs carefully.
10. Beware false allies.
11. Do not shampoo your hair everyday, no matter what.
12. Stop fighting with the Universe and you'll stop making stupid decisions.
13. One minute of your time - especially when you don't "have" it - is worth hours to someone who needs it.
14. Pay attention. This will solve almost all of your "problems."
15. Take heed: a drunken man's words are a sober man's thoughts.
16. You DO have a choice. Make it already because the people around you are tired of hearing about it.
17. People are going to talk. Your choice is whether or not to give them something to talk ABOUT.
18. We all humiliate ourselves. Get over it. Those will become the stories of your life's winter.
19. If you think any part of this was written about you, it probably was... I just didn't know it.

That's it. A short list of Life Truths in no particular order. Now if you don't mind, I have barre to do.

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