Friday, May 8, 2009

Oddities of The Universe

I don’t know if it’s because I tend not to learn The Lesson the first time, or out of a sheer desire to actually control my life, but every once in awhile, I find myself trying to force The Universe to do things my way – to see what I want and let me make it happen.

*heavy sigh*

Cripes. I really do know better than that. This is not the way The Universe works. For those of you still catching up with my philosophy surrounding the Higher Power of The Universe, here’s the crux of it. We have no power over other people’s actions. They will do what they please irrespective of how we try to “influence” them, often disregarding the collateral damage. The question then posed to each of us is, “what to do, what to do?” There’s only one real consideration when pondering the options, “what does The Universe already have planned?”

*evil eyebrow wiggle*

The Universe puts us exactly where we’re supposed to be exactly when we’re supposed to be there. Now, I’ll be the first to admit that most of the time, I have no idea why I am where I am, or what I’m doing here. For the most part I’m okay with this because I’m pretty sure The Universe has a sense of humor and I’m an easy target. This determination is based on the number of times The Universe has dropped something into my lap that made me really glad I was already sitting down.

Revelations generally take time for The Universe to divulge, and it would be a rare coincidence for me to still be idling about when that finally happens. Frankly, I rather like this. It’s my only true repeatable pattern. Maybe it’s that “unstoppable force of nature” thing of which they speak!

Nonetheless, let it be stated for the record that in all of my somewhat dodgy life, I’ve only ever intentionally interfered with The Universe for the cause of those I love who have suffered irreparable damage at the hand of another.

Well okay, and on my own behalf a couple of times, but remember, the criteria is irreparable damage!

Set the scene: Hypothetically, of course, say some ridiculous person were meddling about in one’s personal whatnots with true and total disregard for anything other than personal self-gratification, even though a child could easily see how inappropriate the behavior is and the stir it’s creating. Hmm…. What to do, what to do... Expose the culprit along with all the very damning and accidently accumulated evidence, thus ruining a reputation, such as it is? Or sit quietly, laying in wait for The Universe to take its inevitable action? (Rhetorical question, people!)

Now let’s assume we’re talking specifically about me – since I’m the only one over whom I have some semblance of control. It could be argued that The Universe would not put me in the place and position to receive said information if I weren’t supposed to have the knowledge. With knowledge comes the power to do something. Am I supposed to? What ramifications will the fallout of disclosure bring? And is that supposed to happen, as dictated by The Universe? What if The Universe gave me this to move on, and I don’t? Even more interesting to ponder, what if I DO?

I don’t actually have to answer these questions as ultimately there will be a shift. That’s the way it works. If I continue to mull it over, eventually The Universe will get bored with my musings and either decide for me in accordance with The Grand Plan, or give the information to someone else less hesitant. Either way, what is supposed to happen, will happen. And it doesn’t make any difference how you try to stop it.

Kinda makes you wanna be more careful, doesn’t it? The Universe is a bitch!


  1. Dear Jana~

    I feel I owe you an apology, or at least an explanation as to why you have found yourself in this predicament. See, I have this problem that I just can't seem to solve! And what with the swine flu pandemic scam I've been toying with (entertaining distraction) and the American Idol finale coming up, I needed some back-up. So my cohort Common Sense suggested I use you as she has much respect for you and gave you big props. The person you are speaking of has been a thorn in my ass for a long time now and I have tried everything I can think of to get my message across. They just can't understand that rooting around in the live's of others is MY JOB and it's just causing them harm and unnecessary pain to pander to my nemesis, Ego. I knew, from my briefings with CS, that you were the perfect foil to their schemes and was hoping you would put them in their place and dare I say it, teach them the true meaning of Humble, as he has been off his game of late. As soon as The Celebrity Apprentice is finally over, he can pitch in again. Anyway, I checked you out and was hoping you would use one of your dramatic turn-of-phrases to whip them in line again. (Remember 'There are some things up with which I shall not put'? One of my faves!)Yep, my bad! I was so busy trying to get David Hasselhoff off the floor again that I forgot to send you the message. I owe you one!

    The Universe

  2. Many thanks to everyone who has responded to this post via email and on Facebook! Y'all are fantastic! Thanks for reading!!!


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