Monday, March 3, 2014

Celebratory Ridiculousness

Can I just take a minute to share how exasperated and frankly under-whelmed I am with this “phenomenon” of people (okay, woman) announcing that their birthday is coming up, followed by a proclamation that we should all dedicate an entire weekend, week, or month to the celebration of Her?

I’m fairly self-focused, but even I recognize that my sole contribution to my birthday was showing up in a hellfire storm of screaming. My first wild-eyed fit, as it were. I think it would be more appropriate to celebrate that, rather than merely my non-participatory entry into this world. I say let’s all raise a glass to the benchmark by which all future wild-eyed fits would/could/should be calibrated. We’ll gather, sans gifts, simply to perform an annual review of whether or not the birthday girl in question has properly measured up, then everyone can go on about their business.

I wonder if there’s a line of greeting cards in combining these two, because that’d be kind of hilarious…

“Good effort, Birthday Girl!
You sufficiently embarrassed yourself and/or your loved ones to the best of your ridiculous ability!
Go ahead, drag it out a few more days!

“Too bad, Birthday Girl…
It wasn’t for lack of trying because the numbers were clearly on your side.
Hope you enjoy the one minute of celebration you deserve.
Better luck next year.”

“Sorry I missed your special day, Birthday Girl.
I was busy doing MY life,
But I’ll bet you made a brilliant ass of yourself again this year!
Salute! Cin cin!”


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