Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Wednesday... Yep. That's the Title.

A couple of things occurred to me on my drive into work this morning.

First, I did not comb my crazy hair. This is only of interest (though to whom, I've no idea) because I feel like it's becoming a weird work day habit. Clearly, the only thing to do was to root around in my glove box while waiting for an errant school bus to pick-up one screaming child, then shove the rat's nest into what I believe to be a very fashionable "messy pony." I suppose a woman of a certain age should probably start giving more thought to how she looks when spending nine hours surrounded by technology geeks just proud to make it in wearing matching shoes... *snicker* It's problematic.

Profile: not my best angle.

I give passive-aggressive people the silent treatment... because it never stops being funny! 
*spins in twirly chair*

Coffee should not have the same color density - or lack thereof - as tea. Good gawd, people! It's undrinkable and frankly, I don't know why you even bother. Save the prep time and go comb your hair.

"I cannot hear what you're saying, when who you are is screaming so loudly in my ear." I read that this morning and started to place it in a pointedly prominent online space. Then I didn't because the person who needs to hear it cannot possibly register anything except his own voice. And no, that snarky remark was not aimed at Mr. Man, for a change!

Lastly, I do entirely too many things I don't want to do because other people ask me to. I've never mastered the art of No Without Guilt. I suspect this is because my sibling's mother had no trouble whatsoever saying no. Might should consider maybe talking to my shrink about that... *shrug* Perhaps once he stops getting so rattled every time I say "fuck."

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