Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Wave Good-bye

As we begin to look toward the end of another year, reflecting on our successes (I strung a few words into sentences and posted them), and our failures (I barely strung any words into sentences to post), I don’t feel even the least bit nostalgic.

*checks heart for warm spot*

Nope. Nothing. It’s not that the year was unpleasant. There was some much needed weeding out that took place which left my life an infinitely less negative place – so that was a high point. I had lovely evenings (and by “lovely evenings” I mean hilariously, debaucherous nights) with friends. I managed not to jump out of a perfectly good plane. The bills miraculously got paid every month and though I might be tempting fate, I don’t recall being in the emergency room a single time all year. Overall, I’d say it was a successful, albeit meh, year.


As I’ve said here probably every year, I don’t make New Year’s Resolutions. I feel like you’re just setting yourself up for failure. Sort of in the same way I tell myself every Sunday night when I climb into the bed, that starting tomorrow, I’m definitely getting up an hour earlier than the pre-dawn hour I already see so that I can get in a workout. I can say it, but hey, if nobody hears, then nobody knows!

My advice: skip the resolution. You’ll only be beating yourself up in a couple of weeks and that’s no way to start a new year.

So here’s to the end of 2011. Nothing interesting enough to revisit, so I'm sliding out. That said, I may come up with one more thing to talk about… then again, I may not. Don’t forget to read my annually revised repost of Life Lessons come New Year’s Day. Of course, if you can’t wait, here’s the one: Life Truths - 2011


1 comment:

  1. Somehow this quote seemed apropos... "Growing up sucks. The days of cookies, dreams and the ice cream man do their flickering fade to black, like some wounded firefly or a nightlight on the fritz. Children become parents, parents become helpless, and dreams you thought you'd always dream slip silent out the door. But ultimately, in sickness and in health, for better or worse, when you look at your life with a hard, unflinching eye, there's only one real certainty: the growing never stops. That and the death and taxes thing."


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